MSRT, Noormagz, Civilica, Magiran, ...

Document Type : Original Article


, Master of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch, Science and Research Branch, Ilam, Iran


Purpose: The issue of having children and paying attention to the generation has been one of the most important aspects of human life, and for this reason, God has institutionalized the desire and love for children in his nature, and in all divine religions, he has encouraged man to have children according to his nature. . The religion of Islam, in the form of verses of the Qur'an and the traditions of the innocents (PBUH), has commanded childbearing and has confirmed its many merits. He has paid attention and in case of fulfilling the special conditions of the individual, the family and the society, he has ordered the increase of generations and the multiplication of the population, and he has considered it one of the important benefits of Islamic societies and one of the factors of power and authority. Also, during the effort to increase the generation, he did not give up on its qualitative improvement and with the series of orders mentioned in the religious sources, he demanded the improvement of perfection and the mental and physical desirability of the child.
Research method: In this study, all the articles published in Persian language until the winter of 1401 in the field of childbearing from the perspective of the Qur'an and the Imams of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) were examined. These articles are searched through databases, Fiqh Research Quarterly and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Hohza information base,, Comparative Fiqh Quarterly and Civilica publications, using keywords such as Quran, Hadith, childbearing, procreation, desirability, child. have been obtained. It has also been extracted from the above-mentioned articles and websites from reputable scientific journals. Findings: Throughout history, this discussion has always been a source of controversy and disagreement among thinkers, and the proponents and opponents of the multiplication of generations have insisted on refuting each other's opinion by enumerating the disadvantages and advantages of a large population. On the other hand, the way to achieve and obtain a child, and in other words, the many and varied methods of having children, are other important topics in this field, and the religion of Islam expresses its views in order to evaluate the quality of these methods, and if any method is adopted, it gives recommendations on how to do it. Directly in the hadiths or abstracting rulings from the hadiths, he has dealt with new issues.
Conflict of interest: The author hereby declares that there is no conflict of interest regarding the present research.


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