MSRT, Noormagz, Civilica, Magiran, ...

Document Type : Original Article


Master of Theology and Islamic Studies, Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Islamic Azad University of Hamadan, Iran


Education, in general, and religious education, in particular, in any education system is impacted by viewpoints, research, their critiques and assumptions governing them can protect educational systems from harm. It is essential to investigate the identity of religious education and position of religious experience in this field by reflecting Islamic issues.This is a theoretical research aims to inform factors affecting education, Islamic philosophers and scientists’ views about education, indicators, characteristics of Quran religious education, principles, goals, methods, obstacles and strategies of Quran religious education and the most prominent question as what is Quran religious education, its strategies and deterrents? The research method is analytical-descriptive in which information is collected as library- based and by referring to the documents related to the research topic. The results of descriptive analysis of research data indicate that education has been one of profound issues to various religions and schools throughout the centuries and religious and Quran education has features, principles, principles, methods are particular strategies following religious teachings, Islam and Quran remove obstacles and impediments. According to the findings, to achieve the desired religious and Quran education, professors, teachers and families should be the first and most effective factor in advancing this issue by adopting new and original methods.


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