MSRT, Noormagz, Civilica, Magiran, ...

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student in Theology and Islamic Studies, majoring in Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Research Sciences, Tehran University,Iran


Prison is a category which is relevant to the crime and deviation (from laws, mysticism and ethics) in society. Throughout human history, there have always been those who have acted in contrast to the laws and regulations of society, and the governing systems of societies have provided punishments for such individuals to avoid society from deviating and to uphold its laws and morals. On one side, one of these practices and tools is to punish, and on the other side, to return criminals to the normal life in society. Prisons were in the early days of Islam, either in Hejaz or in Iraq. At that time, the Holy Prophet and the first caliph did not have a particular prison or place to imprison criminals. Prison was applied as a harsh punishment with very difficult conditions, more specifically against those who acted against the regime. With the advent of the Islamic Revolution, the Islamic law on Iranian prisons was implemented. Primarily the purpose of classifying prisoners is to avoid and prohibit possible harm to the prisoner, as well as to make it easier to keep prisoners, so as to make the least issues for themselves and prison officials, and to enhance the classification and education and rehabilitation of the prisoners, as well


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