MSRT, Noormagz, Civilica, Magiran, ...

Document Type : Original Article


Jalil Yarizadeh Master of Law, Private Law major, Payame Noor University, Ilam, Ilam, Iran


In the proposed research, an attempt has been made to examine and explain the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini about relationship between general and absolute and the results of Imamieh jurists, as well as the relationship between general and absolute and its application in Iran’s subject laws, the absolute and its application in Iran’s subject laws. In this scrutiny, all articles published up to the spring 2022 in Persian on the relationship between general and absolute as well as its application in the relevant Iranian laws were examined. These articles are searched through databases, Journal of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Journal of Religious Studies, Quarterly Journal of Private Law Research, International Congress of Religious Culture and Thought, Journal of Islamic Studies - Jurisprudence and Principles which are obtained by keywords such as general, absolute, specific, belonging, expression position. It has also been extracted from reputable scientific journals from the above-mentioned articles and websites. The present article examines the commentators’, fundamentalists, and Quranic scholars’ viewpoints on the general and absolute, as well as the extent to which they impact on differences in interpretations, more particularly jurisprudential ones, and their consequences in Iranian law. One of the topics of principles science in terms of words is the absolute and general issue, which has many jurisprudential and legal results, since the correct general and absolute knowledge and likewise, the distinction between both is necessary and essential not only in jurisprudence and Sharia issues, but also in subject law and more, the legislation art is extremely significant.


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